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To earn a quick $5 dollars to enter our tournaments go to and download apps to earn money!





Turn on your iOS or Android smartphone, and go to the Feature Points website


Click on any app you wish to install under the "Get Points" tab. It will tell you how many points you will get for it.



Tap on your operating system      (iOS/Android) and install FeaturePoints.


  • The app will prompt you to enter a referral code. Use the code PZYT6E. You can only enter this code the first time you download and open FeaturePoints, and the code will give you 50 bonus points!


Play around on it for 30 seconds to collect your points.


Check out the available rewards by tapping on the "Rewards" tab at the bottom.

  • There are many rewards to choose from, but the reward you choose is final, and cannot be refunded! Choose wisely. Chose $5 paypal to enter UGC tournaments!

Tournament Starts in:

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